Ways to save the game.

Hello there.

Since there have been no complaints about the save system implemented in the game, I can conclude that everything works as it should. Excellent. So we can continue working on developing the plot and new content.

Now a question for you. While working on the core of the system, I often had the thought - how best to implement save management? More precisely - how will the player be able to save? A simple quick save in any place, in my opinion, deprives the game of complexity, but saving exclusively at checkpoints, on the contrary, makes it too difficult. Also, the type of save in souls-like games comes to mind - bonfires or whatever replaces them in the game setting. That is, if anyone is not in the know, the ability to save only at specific points.

And then the idea came up - what if we combine different saving methods with the difficulty levels of the game? For example, on easy - the ability to save anywhere by pressing F5 and checkpoints, on medium - "bonfires" (or rather special consoles, an example of which you can see in the attached image) in certain places and checkpoints, and on hard - only checkpoints, without the ability to manually save anywhere.

In my opinion, the idea is interesting and makes the gameplay quite flexible. What do you think? Does such a system make sense or is it easier to leave everything as it is now? Leave your opinions in the comments.

And if you still stumbled upon a bug in the existing saving system - please report it here or on Discord.

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I haven't played the game yet but speaking from experience if higher difficulty = Frustrations then that's not a good system. The idea of different save systems sounds good. Reminds of the original scp game where in euclid you were able to save with the f5 button when ever u wanted to and in Keter (the more difficult one) you are only allowed to save in certain locations but that can lead to frustrations and also soft locks (same with the save when ever u want option of course). So for this game I would say maybe even though we aren't a jedi maybe one of the save mechanics could be meditating or something like that. Or using a data key on terminal to "hack into the system and get access to files" as in you actually put a save file in there. There's a lot of options you could think of. 

Well, I don't plan to make a difficult level a frustration. More of a challenge for the player.